John Deere Service Advisor with Nexiq clone 90% Worked
FYI, John Deere Service Advisor 90% works with Nexiq China clone.
Topic 1: John deere SA possible with NEXIQ USB Link?
It is possible to install Professional Diagnostic Tools John Deere Service Advisor on your laptop, though the installation is really complicated. If you have a Lenovo Thinkpad laptop, the easiest way is to restore the main partition from the image of my computers’ c: drive. And every time i change my laptop, i just restore it.
Win7 installed and fully updated. It takes hours.
The image will not work on XP, but SA works fine. My suggestion, buy used Lenovo T400 or T500. it’s more or less 250 EURO in Europe. Install windows 7 and then can put my image. Takes 10 minutes and u have SA working.
Topic 2: How to get Nexiq china worked?
I spent a month doing research on this and i managed my Heavy Duty Truck
Scan Tool Nexiq to work 90%. The thing is that Nexiq has only 2
channels while EDL has 3. The 3rd one is Powertrain and it is used very
seldom. E.g. I reprogrammed all the controllers on 6690 premium except
two, but found a way around it opening the pld file with pld editor and
changing Powertrain channel to Vehicle (channel 1). Lots of machines
don’t even have a 3rd Powetrain channel. Like all 5R; 6115R, 6125R,
7280R….. From my experience only the older machines have it and still
can be programmed most of the time. Programming controllers is easy, but
diagnostics is a bit annoying. Every time you establish the connection u
have to remove the USB plug and plug it again for the readings to
appear. Connection establishment is taking a long long time and you
never see the ECU. Only all the other controllers. So all the time
something doesn’t work. If you are prepared for this here is what you
have to do:
a) Rewire the the cables as shown in the picture in my post here:
I switched places channel 1 with channel 2 (see the pic) with my Chinese
version and now it works fine, probably it was possible to do it
adjusting the software settings as mentioned above, but i tried a lot,
and nothing helped. Now i can connect, tried with 6125R and 5070M. Works
fine!!! Except one very important thingy. After i establish the
connection, all the reading give the same meaningless number. Then, I
discovered accidentally, I pull out the USB cable, get the message
“Connection interrupted” I put it back in, get the message “Connection
resumed” and wuolla, all the readings show up immediately.
b) You don’t have to change the firmware. Both will work pretty much the same but with different issues.
P.S. For diagnostics only, there is a subprogram of SA that works without any cable rewiring, it doesn’t have a Program Controller option, and you still need to reinsert the usb after connection has been established. You just need to select the right port (which is usually 1939ImplementAutoboud or 1939AppAutoboud depending on the machine) and model. If you have SA, you will find the software at c:\Program Files\Service ADVISOR\xvds\XJDET.exe
This is the genuine John Deere Service Advisor EDL v3 Adapter. This is the newest adapter from John Deere, and it replaces the John Deere EDL v2.
Improvements on EDL v3
Improved USB connector utilizing automotive grade latching system
Increased memory RAM
Improved vehicle communications processor
Support of multiple 500K baud rate CAN Bus recordings
Longer range wireless connectivity
Improved Bluetooth connection speeds utilizing Bluetooth 2.1 with EDR (J1939 compliant)
Service Advisor for John Deere contains:
Tractor Attachments
Combines and Headers
Cotton Harvesting
Cutting and Mowing
Harvester Head
Hay and Forage
Mate. Hand Cut. and Shredders
Planetary Drive
Planting and Seeding
Skid Steer
Compact Loader
4WD Loader
Snow Products
Sugar Cane Harvesters
Sugar Cane Planter
Vertical Tillage
Utility Vehicles
Field and Crop Solutions
Golf and Turf Products
GPS Receiver
Hydraulic Power Pack
Information Management
LG Attachments
Motor Inverter
OEM Engines
Worksite Pro Attachment
Apollo Series
Riding Lawn Equipment
John Deere 4WD Loader
……..More click here.